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Found 3 blog entries tagged as Real Estate.

Mill Valley has been a coveted locale for home buyers for the past thirty years. When Mill Valley homes go on market they are almost always the first ones scooped up.  One of our agents found this article while perusing the front pocket of her airplane seat. For those looking to buy, sell or simply living in Mill Valley it is a must read! Find out why these Marin Natives consider the swanky coastal town of Mill Valley so appealing!


Click to be redirected to the full article on the Departures website and their follow up article, A Return to 'A Return to Mill Valley'

And as always, check back in with MarinRealEstate.net for all your realty needs! One of our reliable and trustworthy professionals would be happy to answer any questions or concerns…

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Ask friends for referrals. Friends can give you a starting point, but don't hire an agent solely on a friend's recommendation, says Brenner. Don't choose an agent based on personality alone, but make sure you can get along well.

Choose the broker or real estate agency first, and then ask the agency to recommend a couple of their best agents. Then stick with her. If you see a house for sale and call the agent listed on the sign, that agent's first concern will be representing the seller, not you, the buyer. "Sometimes the broker is associated with a franchise, such as Century 21," says author O'Hara. "If you select a franchised broker, you have the advantage of national name recognition and usually a strong national advertising campaign." But beware.…

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realestateinternet_300The real estate industry has a fever and the only cure is more internet! The internet has revolutionized real estate, buyers and sellers can now see what agents see, an industry that was once opaque is now transparent. Buyers can now further due diligence what they hear from their agents and agents have to be conscious of the importance of internet marketing and the fact that over 80% of all buyers start their search on the internet. That being said, the internet has caused some major problems in the real estate industry and we thought, “What better way to start a new blog on a new ultra-advanced real estate site than to start with a word of caution?” Below is a brief overview of what parts of the internet revolution have been blessings, and what parts…
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