March, 2016 RSS Icon
Found 2 entries for March, 2016.

Sellers - the time to sell is now. If you haven't been convinced by our most recent blog posts, let's let the numbers do the talking. 


Foot Traffic is another great indicator of future sales. Here's what CAR estimates for last month's activity: 

According to another study by CAR, more homeowners have >20% equity in their homes, leaving them in a much better position to test the market. 


If you or someone you know is thinking about selling in this market, reach out to me. 

Alex Narodny 

Graphics directly sourced from "Keeping Current Matters" Blog:

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According to the latest Beracha, Hardin & Johnson Buy vs. Rent (BH&J) Indexhomeownership is a better way to produce greater wealth, on average, than renting. The BH&J Index is a quarterly report that attempts to answer the question: Is it better to rent or buy in this market?

The index examines the entire US housing market and then isolates 23 major markets for comparison. The researchers use a "horse race comparison between an individual that is buying a home and an individual that rents a similar quality home and reinvests all monies otherwise invested in homeownership.”

Ken Johnson Ph.D., Real Estate Economist & Professor at Florida Atlantic University, and one of the index’s authors states:

“The nation as a whole is in buy territory.…

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