January, 2023 RSS Icon
Found 2 entries for January, 2023.

By, Lisa Roberts

Every day more and more renters are deciding to purchase a home and become homeowners. Whether it’s because of rising rent prices or because they want to build equity, everyone has their reason for deciding to move from renting to owning a home in California. Homeownership is a huge life decision, and it’s important to go into it boldly and armed with all the necessary information.

Many smaller choices need to be made before the time comes to purchase a home. Especially if you are a first-time buyer. For example, you need to decide whether you’re looking for a starter home or a forever home. Let’s go through a list of the most important factors to consider and tasks to perform to be ready for homeownership in California.

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The National Multifamily Housing Council recently reported that over 30% of households in the United States are headed by renters, so rental properties continue to be sound investments. Renting them out, however, requires a lot of preparation. Fortunately, there are many professionals and technological advancements that can help you get the job done. Today, Marin Real Estate presents some suggestions to get you started.

Choose a Business Structure 

One of the first things to do as an investor and landlord is to decide how you wish to structure your business. A limited liability company is a common structure among rental businesses. It provides flexibility and protection of personal assets. Forming an LLC in California can be a bit tedious, but…

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