February, 2022 RSS Icon
Found 5 entries for February, 2022.

By, Lisa Roberts

Every bird needs a nest, and every human needs a place to call home. Having real estate to your name is an important step on the socio-financial stability scale. A house or an apartment that is rightfully yours gives you insurance that you won't be left out on the streets if a grumpy landlord wakes up extra moody one day. This kind of security is crucial in these challenging past years. So, if you decide to take a step towards homeownership, here are some golden rules of first-time home buying in 2022 to follow.

1. Be realistic about your options

If a sparrow decided one day it wants an eagle's nest as its home, it would probably find a way to move into it, but it wouldn't survive for long there. The same applies to you. Be…

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This article acts as a guide for a work-related relocation to a new city in order to streamline the process and keep you on budget and on time.

Stress-free moves are rare, especially when you’re relocating to a new city for work. Not only do you have to pack, plan for the physical move, and prepare your current home for sale or rent, you also have to do some research on the new city and plan for starting a job in a different environment. These guidelines will help you prep your home and your family for the move with as little stress as possible so you can get through the process with ease. Start by working with a professional team of realtors so you can sell your home quickly and efficiently. Marin Real Estate is a wonderful resource in Greenbrae,…

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By, Lisa Roberts

Ah yes, the all-important first impression. There's a reason we spend so much time preparing for a first date; we know that if it doesn't go well, the chances of there being a second date are minimal. The same applies to your home. You want to entice the buyer, draw him in, and show him why your house is the best option out there. Home staging is an art in and of itself, and there are plenty of tips and techniques you can utilize to get the best result. You have to plan out all the details; everything must be immaculate. You declutter, check the lighting, maybe even move the furniture around a little. Yet, as you're doing all of that, you can't get rid of that nagging feeling deep in the pit of your stomach that you've forgotten…

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Older seniors have several living options when they find themselves experiencing mobility issues. They can do a bit of home remodeling and stay put or move to a retirement community or assisted living. To help you decide which option is the best for you, Marin Real Estate takes a closer look at each one. 

1. Modify Your Home and Age in Place

Aging in place is a great option for those who love their house and neighborhood. However, AssistedLiving.org notes that home modifications are often necessary to resolve mobility issues. Typical changes are:

  •       Convert bathtubs to walk-in showers
  •       Add safety bars and strips to the shower enclosure
  •       Install shorter-nap carpets in living areas
  •       Implement smart home technology…
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Running a business from home is a bit different than just your average work-from-home setup. A home business needs a professional appearance, something that can host clients and make them feel like the business is legitimate. You may be concerned about trying to do this in a small space, though. Often, we don’t have a whole lot of room to make a large office area. In fact, most businesses run from a home are run from one room, or from different parts of it. If you’re running a business from home, learn how to set up an office in a small space that your clients will adore! The team at Marin Real Estate invites you to keep reading this article to find out more!

Does a Small Business Need Office Space?

If you’re a small business owner, you may be…

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